最後は土に還せ る環境素材を使用した
それが Recocera の願いです
Recocera is an earth-friendly product made of environmentally friendly materials that can be recycled from waste and returned to the earth at the end.
The fusion with craftsmanship brings out the best of the material and creates a new value.
Recocera's wish is to bring the value of these products closer to you, and to enrich your daily life.
That is Recocera's wish.

Using Foamed Ceramics, an Innovative Material that Uses Waste to Improve the Environment
The main body is porous ceramics with a sponge-like continuous porous structure artificially created inside the material. While being an environmentally friendly inorganic material, it has many functional features and is highly regarded as an "environmental improvement product" for a wide range of applications, including rooftop greening base materials and heat- and sound-absorbing materials.
Coating by Craftsmanship
The foamed ceramics of the main body is coated with red clay using ceramics technology. The components of red clay have no problem in returning to nature, and this coating has the effect of reducing the scattering of processed powder of foamed ceramics and making it easier to visually see the difference before and after water absorption.
【Recocera】香りを楽しむおきもの ー circle / square ー
Recocera Okinomono that enjoys fragrance - circle / square -

As an incense burner
When incense is cooked in the conical shape, the aroma of incense can be enjoyed along with the smoke rising from the gaps and slits in the body. It creates an atmospheric and ethereal space, which is relaxing not only olfactually but also visually. It can also be used as an incense stick holder.

As a diffuser
As with the Aroma Stone, you can use the diffuser by directly dripping aroma oil or essential oil of your choice onto the main body. Since it does not use fire or electricity, you can enjoy the fragrance easily and safely. It blends well with both Japanese and Western styles, and is recommended for interior decoration.

As an eco-friendly humidifier
When you fill the included preform with water and attach it to the main unit, it can be used as a simple eco-friendly humidifier. It is safe because it is a natural vaporization type that does not require electricity. When water-soluble aroma oil is added to the preform, it can also be used as a diffuser.

Incense, aroma oil, water-soluble aroma, and saucer are not included. Please prepare as needed.
Recocera can be returned to the soil when it has served its purpose.

How to Return Recocera to the Soil
Place the product in its package bag or a sturdy tear-resistant bag and close it tightly.
Use a plastic hammer to crush the entire bag into small pieces. Be careful not to injure yourself with the hammer. Also, wear goggles or other protective gear to avoid flying debris if the bag is broken.
Return the crushed Recosera to the soil. The crushed Recosera can be mixed with soil and used as soil conditioner, paving stones for potted plants, etc.
Please recycle the attached materials other than the main body according to the sorting system of each municipality.